Consent to receive commercial communications
Consent to the sending of commercial communications by electronic means in accordance with Act No. 480/2004 Coll. and the processing of personal data for the following purposes
By ticking the box “I consent to the sending of commercial communications by electronic means pursuant to Act No. 480/2004 Coll. and the processing of personal data for these purposes” in the booking form located on the website (hereinafter referred to as the “booking form”) and sending it (or, if the order for accommodation and services is not made via the website, then by another explicit and demonstrable expression of will)
I confirm that all personal data provided by me to Amenity Resorts s.r.o., ID No.: 276 50 626, with registered office in Prague 4, Kunratice, Ratajova 1113/8, Postal Code 148 00, registered in the Commercial Register, maintained by the Commercial Register Office in Prague, Section C, Insert 121600, , e-mail contact: (hereinafter referred to as the “accommodation provider”) in connection with the conclusion of the accommodation contract through the booking form or in another demonstrable way, unless the order for accommodation and services is made through the website www., are true and correct, that I have been informed of my rights related to the management and processing of my personal data, in particular that I have rights pursuant to Sections 11, 12, 21 of Act No. 101/2000 Coll, No. 101/2000 Coll. on the protection of personal data, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Personal Data Protection Act”), or I have familiarised myself with the contents of the Information on the processing of personal data and commercial communications available on the website, and
I hereby give my consent on the basis of the foregoing:
- to the processing of my personal data within the meaning of the Personal Data Protection Act by the accommodation provider as a controller, or by other persons with whom the accommodation provider as a processor enters into a relevant contract pursuant to Section 6 of the Personal Data Protection Act, including the disclosure and transfer of the data provided to such processors and persons pursuant to Section 14 of the Personal Data Protection Act cooperating with the accommodation provider on the basis of a contract, namely
- to the extent of the data of my name, surname, address, telephone number and e-mail address provided by me in the booking form (or other demonstrable expression of will containing this information, unless the order for accommodation and services is made via the website ),
- for an indefinite period of time, or until my consent is revoked or refused, or until I express my disagreement,
- for business and marketing purposes, in particular for offering trade, services, products and information about events and activities of both the accommodation provider and third parties – GOLF EXPLOITATION, s.r.o., company ID 25154010, with registered office in Prague 4 – Kunratice, postcode 14800, Ratajova 1113/8, e-mail contact and persons forming a concern with the accommodation provider within the meaning of the relevant legislation, in particular 3M Developer, a.s, 27196585, with registered office in Prague 4 – Kunratice, Postal Code 14800, Ratajova 1113/8, , e-mail contact:, and offers made by both the accommodation provider and these third parties, as well as sending commercial communications by electronic means pursuant to Act No. 480/2004 Coll. on certain information society services and on amendments to certain acts as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “IS Services Act”);
- using the details of the electronic contact I have provided in the booking form (or other demonstrable expression of will containing this information, unless the Order is made via the website ), for the purpose of disseminating commercial communications within the meaning of the IS Services Act (i.e. sending commercial communications to my person via electronic means by the accommodation provider and the third parties referred to in the preceding paragraph), which will include commercial communications concerning the products, services, products and activities of both the accommodation provider and the third parties referred to in the preceding paragraph.